Rebecca Crouch

Rebecca Crouch

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I Think the easiest way to make your presence known is constant communication. I try to respond to all emails within 24 hours so students feel like I am accessible. Teaching online is tricky in the sense that students will start to feel anxious if they feel like the instructor is in a virtual cloud.
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The hardest part about managing online instruction is engaging students in a dialogue that makes them return after they post their initial post. How do you get students to return after their required post has been posted? That is a questions I have about maintaining the fidelity of online discussions.
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I think there is definitely good stress and bad stress. Unfortunately, I have been addicted to caffein for some time now. I wonder if this was my indirect way of dealing with stress. I think I will start exercising after reading this module. Seems like the best option.
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I think my biggest stressor is the lack of time. Sometimes I feel like there aren't enough hours in the day. After leaving work at 5:30, and trying to go to bed by 11:30, I think the time constraints make me feel quite a bit of stress. I am often turning down social events just to get organized and settled.
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This was was great lesson. I would like to share some strategies I am using to manage my time. On my iphone, I am using the app todo which syncs with my MacBook. I made different folders for all the aspects of my life so I can mange what I am doing, and see it in multiple places. I used to keep a written log of things I needed to complete but this stopped making sense after I kept losing the list.

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