Richard Bauchle

Richard Bauchle

About me


The CM202 training course had a lot of good info and definitely is a good resource for newer admission reps but honestly, as a 3 yr vet, there was not a lot of new information in this training that I did not already know. I guess it just goes to show that the inhouse training programs we have are doing a great job! I would certainly refer any new ad rep to this program.

I absolutely agree. People (students and coworkers alike) can tell when you are being honest and transparent with them and I believe they appreciate it because not everyone works that way. We do our best to be upfront and honest with students because that is the best way to conduct business. I try to provide the most accurate information possible but if I cannot answer a student's question, then I tell them that I am unsure but that I will find the answer for them. Simply making up an answer isn't doing what is in the best interests for the… >>>

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