maria razo

maria razo

About me


Learning the Communication process witll help us to be able to help them with all the enrollment process.

I learned that every generation is diffrent and think diffrent, It will help me to better understand their needs and improve the connection with students.


for me the Atttibutes of Powerful Questions.

Helped me tremendoulsy because we as Amdissions Coordinator should be always ready to listen and ask the right questions. Be ready to help them make a choice to make a 

differnece and get that career of their choice.

Great Training.!!! the Final was Hard Treaky questions. Time was also not on our side.




Listening and Hearing are not the same thing. this is of  great importance to understand both meanings, specially wnen talking with a prospect. we need to be able to focus on them and understand their needs. Great Topic.

Discussion Comment

Hi what has worked for me is that some leads do want information late at night, I noticed that as many calls I make in the morning leads don't respond eather because they are at work, what has worked for me is emails.


for me that is hardes when a prospect lead give out inoformaton and then they change their mind, I get furstrated because I know this person did want informaton on a specific program and I cant reached them.

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