lauren hasson

lauren hasson

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I like that everything is able to be added to there files if you are keeping them therefore everything is very transparent.  I also learned that if you are going to do something online there can be procrastination and how to we keep this from happening.  I see this happening in my own class when students are asked to complete something online and instead they found there way to a game sight or something more intertaining then school work.

i learned about gaining trust in the way of on-line learning.  I also want to learn more about feedback and how to do this from both sides

usually for the first two days of my class we work on student bio's and then they have to talk about themselves.  we do a hands on project with playdough also so i guess i would have them draw or add pictures to there online bio

I hope to be able to apply what I am learning to my teaching.  This might be the wave of the furtuer but that also might be right now as we are not teaching to students directly right now that could change at any minute.  I want to be able to use the decussion boards better with my students and I want to be able to have sessions with them where we are face to face for some of the instruction.

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