walter dusseldorp

walter dusseldorp

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There are strict rules and regulations in place around notification of credit transfer eligibility for students. It must comply with regulations and discuss with students supported by documentation. 


First and foremost... walk a mile in my shoes for both the admission personnel to develop a deep understanding of the organization as well as their services. Same for the prospective students. They should have full access to all information including the ability to discuss and ask questions. Although Marketing is not controlled, it abides by regulations. 


The key takeaway is the "BINDING' contract term as it related to the enrollment form and specific steps and information that is required to complete the agreement including financial aid. 

It is paramount that both the institution as well as the student is duly informed and forms are retrievable for review. 


Good day to all,


The most important takeaway lesson is the need for continuous learning around admission compliance to ensure that prospective students and families are both protected and well informed of each step in the process allowing them to make an informed decision. 

The need to stay organized and to check regularly for regulatory updates as well as complete annual updates. 

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