Patrick Gillam

Patrick Gillam

No additional information available.


I understand to make more time to move and exercise and always have someone in your life to just listen to you.


Understanding the power of writing stressors down.  

I understand that emails can wait, Set define times during the day to check emails. 


Time is valuable try to prioritize the most important things first.


Communication is important today just as it was important yesterday, we must make sure that help our students be as comfortable with technology (computer) as much as they will with the actual subject. CTA classes are a powerful outlet to fast track in careers that hopfully they will love. 


Less is more.


record or take notes, AAR after-action reviews, also this information will help you mentor other educators


details matter always wite down or document all negative or corrective actions with students. if you don't they can make you look really bad with the administration because you can not prove or show the things that you have done that have led up to the situation. 


communication with the student, communication with parents, communication with coaches, fair but equal,  


Having an ice breaker that might be relevant to living situations or areas they live. I work in a High School and yes we must give students multiple chances for late work so that is almost a given at most high schools. I will put a reduction in the grade or try to have makeup work done after or before school out of regular class. I try to use coaches and parents as must as possible to help motivate students about deadlines and write on the board the week's goals and grades and put all grades in by the end… >>>

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