philip brooks

philip brooks

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Once the lecture has been planned, there are many techniques that can be used to ensure that students gain the maximum benifit. Get students to think, write and share their thinking with other students. Use of Multimedia to bring varitet to using different teaching methods. Begin with a summary of last week's lecture and an oveview of this week's, establishing a clear link between the two.

It's normal to feel nervous on the first day of a new class - the best way to combat it is to prepare, prepare, prepare! 1. Visit your classroom ahead of time - Is it big enough; does it have the technology you need; how can you arrange the seating; can everyone see the board? 2. Check on textbooks and resources: make sure books have arrived in the bookstore; double check library reserves and know the process for students to access them. 3. Find out how to use the technology you'll need: course management systems and classroom equipment. 4. Talk… >>>

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As the Instructor, you have tremendous control over what your students learn, how they learn it, and most importantly, how they demonstrate their knowledge. Planning will give you the flexibility to adjust your lesson plans to the time you have available and will make it easier for you to accomplish your goals for student learning.
I think that Modeling, Managing, and Motivating students are key elements to having successful graduates. "Nine-tenths of educations is encouragement." from Educator's Book of Quotes - Anatole France.

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