Gertrude Phillips

Gertrude Phillips

About me


I would think that the fact of the label...TEACHER or INSTRUCTOR one would know the right thing to do. I mean afterall we are working with, relating to others...students...who look to us for guidance while learning. I think in my gut that all teachers should know that once they enter the EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT...all of the baggage is left on the curb...we can,however pick it up, once we leave. (smile)

So very relevant in today's society in the USA...I find that my students often arrive to class with various issues. The issues can be their car not running, misunderstanding in relationships or even babysitting care. I approach them with a little quote (Anticipate the Good... or something from a famous Henry Ford who said...Whether you think you can or whether you think you can''re RIGHT. I stress to them that they never give up or give in. After that...they usually settle in and do the work required. Often them approach me after class with a smile or words… >>>

I have lectured my students on various curriculum subject issues. it's so funny because some one will respond & say...Wow Prof, you are correct. I let them know that I am correct. But I am always amazed that they can locate the information FAST. So I have found that prof/teachers can NOT make any errors...if we do the students will let us know & FAST too.

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