Patricia Orr

Patricia Orr

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Hands on projects such as completing various insurance forms claim forms, managed care authorizations or claims tracer forms. These have been difficult to upload, complete and submit to me to view. Students may be using older versions of windows and cannot upload PDF documents, others have Microsoft Works, Wordperfect which makes it difficult to compose letters for grading by the instructor.

I would say it depends on the students study skills. Online learning requires the ability to work and study independently. An online student must learn how to manage his/her time, dedicate themselves to reading course materials and participating in forum discussions. Usually the online lecture takes the place of the instructor, however in this setting if a student has a question, it must be addressed after the session via email or contacting the instructor. In a traditional class setting, questions can be answered immediately and if the student does not understand the course materials, at that time the instructor can… >>>

I am an online instructor. Students are informed on the first day all emails are returned within 24 hours. I post office hours and days I am available. As much as you would like to be available 24 hours, we as instructors have personal lives and in each new class, there is a student of group of students who feel I am not available when they need help because of the time difference, their own work schedules etc. Is it really possible to be readily available to every student?
I would have to say teaching Medical Billing is a challenging course online. First, a program would have to have numerous "hands on" projects for students to complete; question is, how would you deliver and recieve the finished product?
Discussion Comment
I have a hard time with my LIVE conferences. I am aware as an instructor, never let students run the discussion. However, with live conference calling students tend to bring other topics to the discussion that are not related to the subject matter. I have tried giving my discussion rules before the session begins but we still have those students who continually disrupts the session. What other ways can I better facilitate my session?
I find more and more student in my courses are having family and financial issues, which prevents them from attending class. As much as I try to keep them interested,they still fall behind and eventually get to the point of quiting. On the other hand those students who complete assignments on time throughout the course are so motivated, even when faced with obstacles they find ways to overcome them. These are the kind of students who in turn motivate me.
I have students who after completing over half the program, just simply stop attending school. Some of the reasons I've heard is the courses are becoming more difficult and more work is required. They are also struggling with family issues. I think it is sad for a student to come so far to drop out.

I am an experienced instructor, I have found it difficult to instructs of various age groups and experiences. Some of my students are right out of High School and then you have the 40 year olds. When communicating with them and setting the class rules. I have found my younger students to be more defiant. They do not expect to be held accountable. Also I have students who are already working in the healthcare field but are continuing their education for promotions. with these students, they challenge you on a regular basis and at times gets a little frustrating. What… >>>

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