Olivier  Toussaint

Olivier Toussaint

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Highly informative information. Really breaks down to a tea the Do's and Dont's. The penalties associated with it can be very detrimental to any institution that violates 

I have learned the importance of staying up to date with the changes that can occur in admissions. Aldo, to stay up to date with the tranfer of credit and accreditating bodies.

I learned that all advertizing methods institutions can use to attract prospective students


It is vital to understand the admissions requirements and policies before meeting with prospective students. You should always ask your supervisor questions if you are ever unsure of something. Also, it s important to ensure both parties are aware of the school catelog and enrollment agreement.

As a Senior Admission advisor, I've learned that it is very important to understand the do's and dont's to stay compliant. Understanding your role and school policies all falls in line with providing accurate information to the perspectice student. 

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