Dr. Omar Gafford

Dr. Omar Gafford

About me


Empathy is needed for contemporary leaders. Emotionally intelligent leaders have perfected the attribute of empathy. When I was in the military (two years ago) my emotional intelligence was different from that of an educator’s or future scholar. Abrahams (2007) quoted the Field Manual (FM) 6-22: “Leadership is the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation while operating to accomplish the mission and improving the organization” (p. 3). Abrahams (2007) suggested that the wording implies that leadership is a one-way action and that the leader simply provides purpose, direction, and motivation, and the followers are influenced. The Department… >>>

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This was a great review for me. My theoretical framework for my doctoral degree was self-efficacy. The concept of self-efficacy is significant to Bandura’s social cognitive theory, which emphasizes the role of observational learning, social experience, and reciprocal determinism in the development of an individual’s personality/attitudes/cognitive skills.
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I thought it was interesting reading Many students have reported that it's easier to confide in a computer than to talk to someone they don't know well. Consequently, some schools are using a web-based retention intervention system that provides students with a confidential, non-confrontational, non-judgmental way to contact school personnel about what is going on in their lives. This system has been effective in demonstrating the school's commitment to student success and making it easier for students to connect with school services without "confronting a stranger." The problem I have with this statement from researched articles we discover individuals are… >>>

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I really enjoyed reading poor service can send the same message. Professors who believe students can't or shouldn't make it through academically are just re-enforcing the lack of School Commitment. If ECPI shows a strong commitment to students, this will cause the students to question the accuracy of his/her perception that he/she is not influential and will like be retained
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I particularly enjoyed learning that, "Student expectations are set by the school's marketing materials and admissions practices" (CEE: RT101: Improving Retention through Timely Intervention, 2014). I've always thought this; however, reading it, validates my original assumption.

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