Odette Taylor

Odette Taylor

About me

I am a new nursing instructor who have been teach nursing students for 6 months.


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Career services during school enrollment is important in assisting students to find jobs at the end of last semester and post graduation.
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Student involvement with school associations are important. This experience will help in feeling a part of a group and that your role as the student will cause the student to feel important.
Introducing mentorship during the orientation process would have a positive feedback on student retention.
The length of time a prospective student spend researching the school does affect the retention process positively.
Faculty has a lot of course preparation to deal with. Yes, retention is important. However, the main role a faculty should have to play is identifying the at risk students and inform the right personnel. This should be done if the problem the student is having might affect them academically.
I believe the students should be exposed to this conversation at orientation. Here at the orientation we should have the necessary personnel at the orientation to introduce themselves and their roles so the new students can know the go to person....
It appears colleges are putting the stress of student retention on the faculty. This is leads to faculty burn-out of not being able to focus on their main role of course development and being prepared for their lectures. As anyone see this as a problem?
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I understood the reason for not soliciting testimonials from current students. It is because would have complete the program to give a valuable testimony.
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Is it of great importance for faculty to understand the credentialing aspect of the institution.
Today, I was talking to one of my nursing student. I noticed how smart this student was and how detail oriented. She was able to pick up on things that only an experienced nurse would know. I complimented her and told her she will be a good nurse. She commented, "only if my exam grades were ss good". How do you help a student understand that grades are important, but what is more important is being able apply what is learned?

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