Nina Woolfolk

Nina Woolfolk

About me


Most people can accomplish a task but to excll takes doing it the right way and at the right time then over and over until it becomes a habit....Teaching is no different. The tools are great but application is better. I am looking forward to the next step
Most people can accomplish a task but to excell takes doing it tge right way and at the right time then over and over until it becomes a habit....Teaching is no different. The tools are great but application is better. I am looking forward to the next srp
Discussion Comment
"WIIFM" Principle (Whats in it for Me) is a terrific way to think of this process. As a clinical instructor, I plan to tie-in my student's theory instructions through an assignment that requirs them to email me one concepts that excited or challenged them during the lecture. When they get on-site, our goal is to better understand what challenged them. I am hoping this activity will motivate my students by having an individualized goal for each clinical shift. When they accomplish THEIR goal, then they can truly feel progression towards their career goals.

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