Norma Thayne-Perez

Norma Thayne-Perez

About me


Often students are motivated to get a good grade, but fail to “own” the information. I encourage my students to “own” the information rather than just learn it to pass a test. If they review the material, find it relevant to their furture lives, discuss it, try to teach it to someone and if possible apply it; then they “own” it. In other words they have put it into long term memory. Then when they need to use it in the real world they have it. Or can easily go to the source for details. Student need to be encouraged… >>>

Many students are afraid to ask questions. They may have been humiliated or embarrassed in the past and are very shy about asking questions. I tell my students at the on-set of the class that I encourage questions. Most of the time other students have the same question and they are thankful that someone was brave enough to ask a question. When students do ask a question, I answer it in as positive a tone as I can and thank them for asking. When they complain that other instructors do not answer or answer in a negative manner, I encourage… >>>

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