Nicole Cruz

Nicole Cruz

About me


I agree with "In professional development, more time should be spent on methodology training than on technology training". I feel that this is important for instructors to understand the "why" behind blended learning. When they understand the methodology, they will be more likely to conduct blended courses in a way that benefits the students, instead of relying on their old concepts of how things were taught and learned in a brick-and-mortar classroom, or relying on the technology to drive the learning process.


We use a lot. The students love it because they compete against each other as they answer questions. You create a quiz (or use a public quiz) and log onto the website during class. Put it up on the projector. The students individually log in to your quiz on their phones- they even make up nicknames for themselves. They'll see your questions and they have to answer on their phones. As the quiz proceeds, it will list the top students and it will also tell you the percentages for each answer selected, so you'll know which areas need further… >>>

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