Nancy Cohen

Nancy Cohen

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It is important for instructors to organize their course information in a consistent manner so students can understand where to find what they need and what is expected of them. It is also valuable to explain or introduce any support information that is provided so that the students can see how that material relates to what they are learning.


As instuctors, we need to find ways to engage our students in the content and to promote communication between the student and the instructor as well as between the students themselves. We also need to evaluate whether the options we chose are working to get the students involved and keep them interested.


I have learned that regardless of whether the class is synchronous or asynchronous or mix of both, the information must be organized and presented in a consistent manner so the students know what is expected of them. A well organized class that is presented in a consistent manner from week to week will help the students use their time and their tools to their best advantage. 


It is important to understand the different technology tools that are available to instructors to get the kind of results you are looking for when teaching online. Instructors need to understand what their teaching style is, so they can match it to the appropriate technology or set of tools. 

Technology tools work best when they are used for their original intented purpose. It can be helpful to have students assess the tools used in their course evaluations to decide if the technology is being used to its best avdantage.


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