Sue  Meeks

Sue Meeks

Location: carrington college, boise, id campus
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I utilize photographs of certain structures, procedures or diseases in my powerpoints. I also like to show short videos covering the subject we just covered
I personally hate crossword puzzles and word searches as a learning tool while I love "matching' concentration style. Almost every class has a few students who think like me and some the exact opposite. The challenge is to find the right mix that keeps the majority interested and involved
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Throughout the years I have had students share their memory aids with me and I still share some of them with my current students.
This game was part of a CD-rom from The Language of Medicine. The students matched categories like "diseases of gastrointestinal tract" with phrases placed on the pyramid. Amazing how excited they got at "winning" the money.
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What are some of your suggestions for memory aids? For example I tell students the way to remember "brachi" means arm is that my mother used to tell me "I will break your arm" when I touched something I shouldn't

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