Meri Torres

Meri Torres

About me


Objective and Subjective can be very useful when determining the level of knowledge of the students, giving us the information we need to improve, eliminate or add content in the course.

Formative and Summative assessment are very helpful, it is used as a learnng tool for both instructor and student. Facilitates the lesson planning, communicating with the student and giving proper feedback will result in improvements.

Having the right tools is very impotant, being able to choose the right one is crucial, making sure that the tools used are effective in helping the student comprehend the material, with great feedback on how to improve makes a difference.

Being consistent is key, having the information clear helps for easy navigation and better response from the students.  Being organized in this aspect will help when transitioning to online.  Stay consistent and communicate all and any changes being clear with the student, letting them know exactly where and how to find the different resources is very important.

Feedback is very important, maintaining as much as possible the positivity, encourage therm on how to improve and providing the support necessary. The more we explain the easier it will be for the student.

We need to be knowledgeable regarding the different tools that are available, making sure they meet the need of the course content, ease of use and navigation.

Having multiple evaluations will help improve the course overall, making sure to check and review the feedback also helps.

This all will help to improve our teaching techniques.

Utilizxing a rubric for projects is very important, it gives the students a guideline for submitting, it helps them to organize their information, it also serves as a check off list making sure everything needed is done.

Syllabus is very important, it lets the student know what is expected and what will need to be done, it can help them manage their time better to make sure all assignments are done.

One of the important aspects of online teaching is organization, having a template and making sure all material is organized, easy to find and understand for the student is essential.

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