Marcia Taub

Marcia Taub

About me


I really enjoyed this course and have inputted the tree diagram concept in my lesson plans.  Also, the index card ideas I have implemented as well.  In addition, I will also incorporate more walking around the classroom the first day to better observe the nonverbal communication of the students.

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Pretty interesting that adults have an attention span of 15-18 mins. I am going to employ the mini lectures and then activity concept from now on. Also like the idea of assembling note cards for lesson plan format for myself.
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I really like the idea of using the index cards on the first day and I will utilize that method. Also, I didn't think to pause and ask if there are any questions when going through the course syllabus so I will utilize that concept too.
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my syllabuses are usually 8 pages in length in order to cover all the college bases, etc. Sometimes I think it is a bit much, but given the classroom climate of today, it is necessary. Almost like carrying malpractice insurance.
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Have been teaching 30 years, and in another class online, someone had mentioned taking this as a refresher. I am also going to use some of the suggestions that I had forgot about.
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Totally enjoyed the suggestions in the class management course.  I even started redoing past techniques that I forgot about.  The student descriptions are so true to life.

I find that if I don't know an answer to a student's question, I always say I will research and get back to you next class with the answer.
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Because I teach in an urban setting, often times these students are argumentative like they are out in the streets. My solution is to have them remain after class and discuss their behavior and disatifactions in an adult manner where other students cannot hear.
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I find that students in the younger age group of 18-21 have an attention span of about 15-20 minutes for lecture time. I then start group activities or other activities to get them to stay on task.
How do we stop students from text messaging in class. I find it is a huge problem.

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