Michelle Evans

Michelle Evans

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Slowing down and being prepared.  I tend to speak fast normally, so I know I need to slow down in front of students but do not always do it.  It's OK to make mistakes just laugh at yourself and note what to do to fix it going forward.

Remembering to remain calm and allowing the student to say his/her piece before speaking and asking what type of resolution they are wanting/expecting.  Sometimes all they needed to do was get their frustration out and had not even thought about what an appropriate resolution might be.  Sometimes venting is enough.

Approaching inattentive students seems to almost work, for the short term.  I like the idea of having the students move seats if they continuously revert to going back on their devices upon moving away from them.  In addition the idea of the cards for the center stage students seems like a great way to curtail their constant speaking without shutting them down altogether.

Icebreakers are always a great way for both students and the instructor to get to know a little about each other and begin developing those relationships.  Making sure the students know "WIIFM" is definitely an important way to gage their level of interest and hopefully increase it.  We have a standard policy in place for late assignments but it is important to draw student attention to each at the beginning of each new course as both a reminder to the student and to make the student aware that it will be followed and enforced.

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