Madeline Sargent

Madeline Sargent

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I learn that it's ok to show your personality when providing introductory but be minful to omitt anything personal. Online learning should use short concise modules and minimze lectures, deliver relevant and crticial information to support performance based skills. 

It is important to review the course not only by student assignments and grades but also by content and how successful was the facilitation of student learning and what the institution can do to make improvements in both teaching and learning.  

It is important to determine and identify the appropriate method of teaching suitable for the student needs (i.e synchronous and asynchronous). The need to develop guidelines for the students and instructors and these guidelines must be explained to the students so that they understand. There is an important need for organization because organization enhances student success. Lastly establish a teaching pattern because it promotes effective student navigation in the online course. 

I have learned the importance of properly selecting the appropriate technology tool and be sure instructors use the appropriate tool to satisfy the course objectives/student outcomes. I've learned that virtual classrooms are the most interactive approached, they were modeled after F2F and can be recorded and presented later in an asynchronous learning. There are 5 teaching styles: authority, demonstrator, facilitator, delegate and expert yet every style should include facilitation. 

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