Melinda  Sanfilippo

Melinda Sanfilippo

About me


I most definitely agree. Bringing some of those stories of personal experiences in our fields of expertise, certainly does make the learning more relevant to our students.  I am sure that each of us can remember that instructor that just 'lectured' to us as students and yet did not include those stories - I'd bet we each have long ago forgotten his or her name.  But that instructor that made learning fun with stories of relevancy we will remember that learning much more.  I can remember a simply awesome instructor that did just that. He was my antomy and physiology… >>>

Welcome to teaching.  It has been a very rewarding career change for me. These courses do both teach us new things as well as reinforce those teaching methods that work very well. Good luck as you grow into this new world of teaching others!

I agree. This  module really refreshed the importance of maintaining professionalism between the instructor and student. They look to us as role models and how we conduct our business in the classroom and while at work is very important to gain their respect.


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