Olivia Morgart

Olivia Morgart

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Having a rubric can help you be consistent in providing feedback.

Working in an online environment has more opportunities for students to learn how to self-motivate, since there is not the normal classroom setting when you have eyes on them for an entire class period and can enforce quiet or working environments. 

I learned about the way that communication can be used to keep in touch with students and help them with their class.

I learned about how technology tools can be used to communicate with students and enhance education.

I learned about feedback and evaluation of the course, and the role of the online administrator.

I learned about different kinds of feedback to provide students with.


I learned it is important to organize the course material and communicate with students regardless of the methods of learning.

I learned about the tools I can use to help students be more engaged in their learning.

Having multiple evaluations of your course is most helpful, and student evaluations shouldn't be your sole resource for revising your modules. 

I learned that feedback is important to individualize and give frequently. 

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