Susan Lemanski

Susan Lemanski

About me


I have taken this course a few years ago, but the information provided is relevant to any Instructor. Being able to identify what type motivator your student is useful because we are better able to relate to and help our students acheive their goals. I use autonomy a lot in the classroom without realizing it, I like to give my students choices and it helps the rapport I have with the students.

This course outlined information that was easy to understand and implement in the classroom. Learning how to project a professional and polished persona to students is crucial for students to have respect and confidence in us.


This forum really made an impact on me as an Instructor... sometimes, it is easy for me to forget why I am here and forget the wonderful feelings I had when I first became an Instructor. Going through each section made me realize I need to get back to basics and connect with each and every student, each and every day. The students look to us for encouragement, insight, and wisdom, and it is our job as an educator, to be there for them. Knowing where our students came from and where they want to be int heir chosen career will… >>>

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