Steven  Moore

Steven Moore

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This courses keep instructors in touch with learning objectives and the best way to reach all types of learners.

good concrete insites on everyday needs of our students

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This course was very helpful due to the fact that we are evaluating are students on a daily basis. Insuring that the students understand the importance of such evaluations and that the instructor has a solid means of providing both positive feedback and crucial criticism.

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Students must be evaluated to determine how well they aborbed the material, however how that evaluation process is calculated is critical to the student.
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Timing of instruction is a critical aspect of teaching. 20 minute periods of instruction are adequate for students in a insructional course that is mostly hands on.
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Power point appears to be the instructional media format that is used most often, however drawing diagrams on a white board can have a big impact due to overexposure to a power point presentation.
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This course was helpful due to the fact that grading is a big part of an Instuctors daily teaching activities. Creating fair yet instructional means of testing is critical.

This couse was very relevent to daily teaching experiences. Students have a wide range of issues dealing with life in geeral and as an instructor we have to be understanding, but stand by our written rules.

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One of the most important aspects of teaching is to admit when you don't know something and that you will get an answer as soon as possible.
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My experience working within my industry has given me many oppotunities to manage a wide variety of individuals and this helps me with my students.

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