Barbara Moody

Barbara Moody

About me


Great pointers from this class with regards to assiting students that may have a learning disability.  It is every instructor's desire for students to succeed, so great take-away/strategies for helping those who may have a slight struggle.


Powerpoint presentations as well as the use of white boards both can be effective visual aids as long as the presentation and/or white board info doesn't turn into a book.  Too many details can lead to information overload and you can quickly lose your audience.  Also I've found that inserting a video at the beginnining of my powerpoint serves as a good "lead in" to the lesson or a video at the end serves as a good wrap up.

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I believe that anyone seeking the chance to be educated, should be given the opportunity and should not be judged on whether one feels that he/she may not be capable of either completing the course or getting a future job.  While everyone knows his/her own capabilities, there may be many reasons as to why an individual may enter a program of study, regardless of whether or not they have  physical challanges.  My take is, if a student is willing to try, I'll give them that chance and help figure out why they can vs why they can't.


This course is spot on.  At the same time that I was going throuh this online course, I was in a brick and mortar course where we were discussing the different learnig styles of students.  As an instructor, I always try to consider the different learning styles and implement them into the lecture so that each student can benefit from the material presented.

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For my lectures, I usually try incorporating group lessons at the end of an assignment not only to reinforce the lesson, but it allows presentations to be individualized into his/her preferred learning style.
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I think it definately adds zest to the subject matter whenever the instructor is able to include real life experiences.
As prepared as a lecturer may be for the podium, he/she may receive a question (related to lesson content) in which they don't quite know the answer to. What's the best way to handle this type of situation?
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It sounds too much like common sense, but it's important that an instructor is very knowledgeable about the subject he/she is teaching and that they are able to clearly define any terms used that may be foreign to the student.

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