Manuchar Mikayelyan

Manuchar Mikayelyan

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An online class needs to be organized very well to make it easy for the students to navigate through.


Evaluate a course, "close the loop", multiple stakeholders.


Formative assessments, rubrics, self-assessment, feedback.


Asking 3 questions to students:

1. What should we stop doing

2. What should we start doing

3. What should we continue doing


Templates, learning objects, videos not to be more than 5-10 min long.


Start implementing active learning methods by planning for small activities first.


You have to be creative for every topic to be able to implement an active learning environment. 


Lesson plans, lecture notes, ppp, tree diagra: this is the good path designing your classes.


Students must feel motivated and comfortable in the classroom.


Students must feel motivated and comfortable in the classroom.


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