Michael Malone

Michael Malone

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I have found that testing the students is not only necessary to understand what they have learned but during my early days I noticed that if I missed or didn't cover a segment properly, the majority of the class would miss answer that particular question. Now when I teach a new class subject I pay close attention to any answers that are missed by the students. This lets me know I need to reevaluate my presentation.
I have been trying to brak up the instruction into small sections making sure to provide practice time for the students, thus reinforceing the verbal, and demonstration instruction. How ever my time is very limited so this becomes interesting at times!I have a bit of a delema, to much instruction and not enough time! Can anyone tell me how to slow down time?
Hi I would like to talk about the use of power point in the class room. In my school it is required in my course to use about 70% of our first days in power point presentation. This encompases about 1/4 of the time available for the class. The way the class syllabus is configured I have little to no choice but to follow the pre planned time line. Outside of disregarding my supervisors can any one suggest an alternate method?
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Hi Guys, I have found being completely prepaired for the first and every other day of class to be very important. We need to set a example of how our students need to come to class, prepaired! What better model than an instructer who comes to class relaxed and well organised! Remember the first day sets the "tone" for the remander of the corse. I am planning to prepair my next class sylibus on HD orange, I bet that will get the students attention! Koodos to this section!
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Hi guys I must admit with our three week programs I find it difficult to learn each students type makeing it difficult to find out what motovates each and every one of the students properly. I do the best I can and strive to improve so I can find new and better ways to motivate the students, I do find prase for a job well done does go a very long way to bolstering the students ego and pride.
Hi guys, it has been my experance that students of all ages can be mature or imature. I have found it challanging to the point of not wanting to discuss any thing at all out side the instruction provided in the sylibus from now on. Sad but true. Mugsy
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Hi Gary thank you for the sugestions all are valid points, I do use an ice breaker on the first day, I ask the students to introduice them selves and what thay want to learn from my class. However cameras are forbidden in my instution so thats not possible. Students are required to wear a name tag at all times and as long as I can see it I;m ok. Mugsy
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Hi Gary, I belive I may have a unique situation. I instruct a class that only lasts for 15 days maximum. I find it difficult to not only understand there fears but even remember all the names. I am hopeing some one can offer some advice I can use.
I have found being positive is very important on not only the first day but every day! I always greet every student personaly to the class. I ask each one what there goals in our industry are and what thay want to learn most about the corse. Although the corse lenght is only three weeks it give me a chance to do a short elvaluation of my students and the desires each one has.
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I have found it difficult to surmise the lenght of time diffrant classes can be focused on the first day. However after careful observation I can plan my presentation much better after day one. I do however teach a 15 day modgule and time is fleeting when it comes to developing and recongnising problem students.

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