Marco Luna

Marco Luna

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It is important to consider in the design of the online course, not only the instruction style itself, but a set of coherent components that guide students through the content; then evaluate the course content and observe the delivery method of the online content.

In my experience, it is very important not to saturate the components of synchronous courses and to take special care in planning asynchronous courses. All activities and evaluation criteria must be very clear for students.

The use of each technological tool requires hours of practice so that it is incorporated as part of a methodological proposal of the teacher with his students. In my experience, it is not advisable to saturate a class, but to adopt the necessary tools to avoid falling into monotony or to energize the class according to the type of student groups. That is why it is important that teachers have many resources to have flexibility in front of different audiences.

In online courses, it is essential to develop behavior management techniques for the different behavior profiles of students (noisy, quiet, disruptive, intimidating, and provocative) as well as the stress to which many students are subjected due to workload and studies

In online courses it is essential to achieve student participation in synchronous activities, but especially for asynchronous activities, it is important to promote participation by generating feedback. It is also important to detect students who do not participate in order to communicate with them and engage them in the development of learning activities.

It is very important to mentally prepare yourself to provide adequate attention to students with honest, complete and accurate answers, even when the answers are not known; It is also important to monitor communication between students and regularly participate in discussions in the chat

I understand that a virtual course must have minimum elements to ensure its quality for student learning, however the key to the training process is in the CMS, as an online instructor, I must know the elements of the course and advise students during the process of learning promoting participation, responding to interventions according to institutional commitment

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