Marcus Laws

Marcus Laws

About me


When communicating to another department we should stay professional at all time and be clear when communicating the situation to them.  We should works as a team even through communication.


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I feel that I am an action orientated team member that achieves the goals and task that are given to him  I want try to more consent  when it comes to my performance and interaction other team members.


I work for an organization that works as a team for the same common goal. We want our students not only to the best education but to have a deeper relationship with God. This is seen in every department and employee through the campus. The leadership holds everyone accountable and when we succeed everyone is recognized.


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I believe that finding common ground is a key to communicating clearly with student. I also believing in using the collaborative communication skills can lead to a common ground and a better understanding of the student’s direction or outcome.  This is not a dictatorship but an agreement between two individuals.@migomez

I do not take inbound calls when communicating with a student. It is their time and if it is interrupted they could feel unimportant and disrespected which is not a way to build report.



Once you learn how the students prefers to be communicated to than you will be able to communicate honestly and informative to the student.  


A great way to build report is to listen. Listening why they are truly are going to college and making sure that you truly care by correctly communicating what I heard back to them.  When building a true report with a student trust will be established.  


Hello Jean,

One the communication that I do a lot of but have a hard time enjoying or getting use t is email. I really enjoy face to face communication.  The reason is not only can I notice that the students body language when communicating with them it just seem more personable.  Where email I feel has no emotion or personal connection with the student.    


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