Missy Hill

Missy Hill

Location: pennsylvania

About me

I am the Career Development Coordinator at a small business college in Pennsylvania.




career services


What thoughts/suggestions do you have for students to over come shyness?

How would one begin to do this?

A valuable yet under appreciated department.



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One of the areas that I need to work on more is interacting with employers. If they come to the school to visit I'm fine, but I would like to go in the field more and visit them and introduce myself, however I'm a bit on the shy side and find this a hard thing to do.....any advice?
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At our college I have an excellent repor with our students and graduates. I have an open door policy and they come to me for all different sorts of things from just wanting to chat to information on placement. I also teach a 12 week course called Professional Development where the students and I get to know each other and spend time on all aspects of jobs-resumes, cover letters, references, interviewing, thank yous,and everything and anything else you can think of. Our placement rate continues to thrive at 90% or above and I think it's due to the closeness of… >>>

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Our college does not/is not able to offer these, we survey area businesses and we can not get enough businesses to commit to them. There are several large universities in the area that seem to cover all of the internship possibilities around us. I always tell our students that it's not a problem, to do some volunteering and speak of other jobs that relate to what they will be doing. Do you feel that not having internships harms our students? Do you have any other suggestions?

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