Marcia Carter

Marcia Carter

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I have used a variety of word puzzles for many years with great success. Sometimes I use them as an additional assignment to reinforce classroom terminology, others to replace a low daily grade. Students don't always realize they are learning. I have had some who balk because they feel they don't have time for what they deem to be "silliness." There are times when I use search-a-words as fillers after a test, and the students look forward to them--occasionally I interject a holiday centered puzzle. All-in-all, the word puzzle idea is great, and I will use the ones you have… >>>

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I have found through the course of 25 years of teaching that if I make an error in a response or in my presentation, students are going to catch me any way, so why not own up to it and make light of the fact that I was "just testing" them to see if they are paying attention, which I do quite frequently to "break the ice" or simply lighten the mood of seriousness about dangling participles--they are difficult at best and a lighthearted approach helps relieve student tension.
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Over the 25 year period of my teaching experience, I have practiced many of the strategies mentioned here. One that will work every time is classroom seating arrangements during testing. Recently I was assigned a class of 16 students in a small room designed for 17 students and a teacher desk, file cabinet and bookshelf. There is little room to maneuver; however, I discovered that our double room, capable of holding 40+ students, was available during my Business Communications class period. Therefore, I designed that on test days we would move to the larger room for testing. Students are allowed… >>>

I have found that it is true that students will remember information more readily if handouts are color coded. For instance, in typing, on the first day we give students several handouts pertinent to the course: machine parts, policies,"road signs," what makes a document unmailable, etc. Each is on a different color paper so they can refer to it easily.This method has been very successful.

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