Miriam Delgado

Miriam Delgado

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In this module Ive learned about available software to assist students with disabilities, the responsability of making sure that all course materials are complaining with federal regulations and things that we should keep in mind when putting materials online.


While completing this module I reviewed the laws that are important to provide inclusive education, and ways to provide and comply with them. 


While completeng this module I reviewed some of the learning desabilities and the best practices to assist them as online instructors or designers. 


In this module Ive reviewed assessment  and ways to evaluate the process not only content and memorization. 


In this module Ive learn about diferentiated learning and ways to design inclusion courses. 


In this module Ive reviewd the different ways of learning, and learned about another models. 


In this module Ive learned about dinamic learning basics, and how to use it on  hybrid courses.


In this module Ive reviewed about blogging estrategy.


In this module Ive learned about microblogging... blog from another perspective. I also learnd different ways to evaluate and assess this activity.


In thie module Ive learned the importance of having media policy for all students, staff, and instructors, activities that can be approroate and sites for media hosting and sharing. 


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