michael adessa

michael adessa

About me


Students fear the unknown. I sense on the first day of every class there are students who look at the syllabus and wonder if they will be able to pass this class.They wonder if they are up to it. To assure them of success I spend a lot of time the first day going over each assignment in complete and specific detail and showing how we together are going to accomplish our objectives. I make a point of bring in assignments and projects from previous classes for them to review as well as giving them a specific outline of each… >>>

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The lesson idicated that collaboration is an integraded form of gropu work. I agree and find when I assign group projects early in the program students begin to develope that sense of community that is so important and it stays with them through out the block
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I have found that finding out early in the block each student’s ability and potential to successfully complete the class is crucial to retention efforts. Students who are not sure of themselves and lack the prerequisite skills needed for success must be coached and encouraged on a daily basis. With this help, support and commitment students begin to feel confident in themselves and their achievements.
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Guided notes help students stay focused on the important components of the instructional objectives. They also serve as an outline for the instructor enabling them to stay on track during a lecture or presentation.
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Is it a good idea to reward students with extra credit points to make up for points lost due to late assignments? Isn't this rewarding irresponsible behavior? Many schools do not allow extra credit work for just this reason.

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