Miriam Bryant

Miriam Bryant

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Motivating your students relies heavily on knowing what motivates them. Building rapport and engaging students is foundational to maintaining their drive to succeed.

Engagement is key, especially mid-semester when teachers and students tend to lose steam. It is important to identify this and have the students recommit to their learning. Also, adding variety to instruction will support student engagement.

create dynamic learning environments that maintain student engagement. Always look for ways to connect and interact with students.

I think it was insightful to expound on how students of different ages are motivated

Ensure to incorporate multiple content delivery methods in order to accommodate different learning styles of students

It's important to learn each student by their preferred name. Also, we should strive to learn a little bit about each of our students.

Be prepared! Review content before class. Arrive early to be able to receive students and welcome them. Keep a notepad to jot down action items and things you need to do for students.

As an instructor, it is essential that I display professionalism to my students at all times. Equally important is engagement: ensuring the students know I love my subject area, and that I care for them!

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