Marcianna Hosier

Marcianna Hosier

About me


TV does convert higher but we are converting Internet at about 11%. We begin enrolling immediately following the previous start. So for instance our next start is April 11 and we begin enrolling for the July start on April 12. Or sooner, depending upon when the student wants to start. No, we do not have a student success coordinator but we are making several changes so maybe someone responsible solely for retention will be added. Thank you!
Overall we convert at about 14%. I'm not that involved with the individual Rep performance so I cannot factually answer the above question. I've been looking at overall lead goals, vs. individual media. But I can say that we're under lead budgets on TV and over in Internet inquiries. Also, we've got a pretty high cancel and withdrawl rate. Marci
Our college missed our January start, at the rate we're going, we're scheduled to miss the April start as well. Our leads are on schedule with budget. Where else can we look for possible causes?
Some folks don't quite understand that Publicity is a fundamental part of Marketing...they see marketing as advertising only and that's a shame. We're building new publicty opportunities and working on a PR campaign to help boost our name recognition in the communities we serve. Marci Hosier

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