Margaret Gray

Margaret Gray

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Learning disabilities do not mean that a student can't learn. It just means they learn differently than others. It may take different strategies or instruction to reach them. 


My takeway from this course is to be more aware of my students and who they are. I work very hard to build relationships with them and not to have my own bias interfere with who they are or their learning. I really appreciated the gentle reminder as an educator in this course.


I have honestly learned more about myself and have been personally reflecting throughout the course so far. I feel as if I am on the verge of burnout. That's not something I would like for myself. I am going to really work on recharging and renewing myself. I need to work on fixing my sleep, exercising more, and just taking better care of myself. I didn't realize that I was on the verge until I started this course. I realize how much I just ignore and what I can already do in order to do better for myself. 

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