Michael Meckstroth

Michael Meckstroth

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In this session, I learned how to effectively discuss with a student a program to see if it is the right fit for them. 

In this segment, I learned best practices and multiple ways to assist students with whether or not our school is the correct fit for them.  

It's good to know where our students are coming from, in order for you to understand your candidates cultures.

Being a good listener helps you to better understand your student's individual situation.

 I learned what way is best to approach information we have and learn about a prospective student. 

I have learned that I must learn new ways to approach what happened to the conversions.  Why are the conversions bad and what can you I do with the leads that did not convert. 

I learned ways to find potential students and how to move through the sea of students we have at any given start date.

I have learned some new ways to information regarding perspective students. 

I learned that there is always room from improvement and how to tap into potential students that will help make me even better than I am already.

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