Michele Davis

Michele Davis

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Time management is key for both the student and the instructor. Utilizing a technology system that once an assignment is submitted the system will turn off notifications. 

I like the idea of providing students with roles in the online environment such as a leader, facilitator, recorder, and reporter. I believe to some degree it could also be helpful in a synchronous environment with a little creativity. 

I plan to query the students on the first day of class regarding their experience and level of understanding and application of utilizing online technology such as whiteboards, blogs, wikis, and LMS. 

In today's classroom whether F2F or online all students should practice professional citizenship in my opinion, It is never appropriate to be disrespectful, demeaning, or humiliating to one another.  The things that stood out to me in this lesson were that students should summarize what they have learned and the importance of timely feedback.

The importance of what goals motivate students individually such as intrinsic and extrinsic and how we address those individual needs in the online course. Those whose grades are more important (extrinsic) and those who are more concerned with individual accomplishment (intrinsic) should be encouraged based on those individual preferences. 

A rubric is an essential tool for both students and instructors for adhering the the format of an assignment. 

The different style of learning of each generation including through technology. 

Utilization of different forms of communication and selecting those that are in line with my personal teaching and communication style for effectiveness. Setting the tone for professional communication. 

Using social media FaceBook, Twitter, and Instagram can actually assist with the delivery of online learning. 

Utilizing multiple strategies to engage the online student is a priority in order to develop a successful interactive learning environment. 

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