Esther Toe

Esther Toe

Location: lake worth, fl

About me

Hello my name is  Esther T. I am the President and director of M.M career institute




nursing, networking, ministry


When you are a non profit it does not mean that the student do no have to pay a tuition and they receive minimal attention and less education, actually your priorites become the student. As a non for profit instituion  can expalin to the student what is the difference between a non for profit and a for profit without negatively speaking of other schools?

I agree, a first impression is very powerful. This can either invite or reject a potential candidate.

Are there any pre-admission evidenced based tools to evaluate a student for risk of possible drop out?

Know to whom you are marketing your institution to and present your product (instituion) in an appealing way. If recruiting adults with families, offer hours that can accomdate life and family schedulea.

Article on webbased learning research

Grants for research at educational institutions

Blog Comment

Professionalsim and first impression is very important. Your students and peer will act/behave and treat you based on how professional you are and what type of impression you give to them.

The commentator in this podcast remarked that the institutions want to "appear" like they are "with it" however this is at the expense of the students? Is this method truly effective, do they understand the full scope of MOOCS? I think that institution need to be aware of and embrace new technologies. Kowever systems need to be in place to monitor the effectiveness of thes new online courses.

You did the right thing. It is not ethical to speak negatively about another school in anyway. For example, our school fees are lower than most schools around in our area. If a student asks of our other schools and their prices and as to why they are higher I can not negatively speak about the other schools. I respond in professional manner and refer to the school's mission goal and objectives and teach the student to choose a school based on what is best for them, looking at all aspects of the school. Certifcation passing rates, location, tuition, and… >>>

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