Mireysi Cabrera

Mireysi Cabrera

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Is important to ask your director for information about programs, courses, difficulty, length of time to complete, extern- or internships, learning materials, tests, the fun part of each course, what students say about the courses or program, changes that may be happening, anecdotal stories about student success, permission to sit in on some courses.

List the programs by the level, program title, clock and credit hours, and delivery method. are very important to know as this the infomation we base our assistance to the students.

There is paperwork involved in the admissions process, including various forms. that we have to be familiarize with and understand them fully. We have to have everything we need ready in order to do a successful enrollment and completion. Financial Aid Department and registras are a vital part of the enrollment process.

This course is important for everyone who work in some capacity talking with students with the goal of enrolling them into a school. FAC is the Florida Administrative Code. Knowing all the rules and regulations are very important to know as well as the institution enrollment agreement.

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