Michelle Borges

Michelle Borges

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When choosing a method of testing, you should consider the type of skill that you are assessing. Multiple choice allows you to assess a wide range of topics and are easier to grade. 

This module describes different types of assessment of the content that has been taught. When designing an assessment you want to make sure that it is measuring the knowledge that you want the students to learn by being valid to your course objectives.

Questions help the class to engage in learning. It is important to wait for answers and listen to responses. There are different strategies to expand upon a partial answer or direct students to the correct answer.

When presenting material, it is a good strategy to group students who can benefit by incorporating their individual learning styles.

Include different delivery styles to increase interest and learning from the student. I will use lesson plans that include problem solving, demonstration and opportunity to practice the skills.

The first day sets the stage for students and lets them know what to expect from your class. It also gives them an opportunity to learn about your experience and knowledge of the field as well as the opportunity to learn about them.

The syllabus should have specific goals and objectives for the course. It should also include the assignments, quizes and tests that will be utilized for determining if the goals and objectives have been met.

Modeling the behavior that you expect from your students is the easiest way to teach. You must demonstrate professional standards of dress, language and enthusiasm for your topic.

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