Michael Basara

Michael Basara

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I remember my first year in college I took a Chemistry class. The professor started by asking us to look around. By the withdrawal date half of the class would not be there. Those that finish the class, half would fail. He was correct, but what a way to start a class. I would never start that way. 

It cant be stressed enough, overpreparing. That first 50 minute lecture you have planned will go by in 15 minutes. 

When I was a new instructor and/or presented with new material I wasn't prepared for, I did have to spend my time behind the lectern reading through the PowerPoints. I like nothing more that using the PowerPoints for my students benefits as I wander the room during my lectures. I get to interact with my students and keep an eye on what they are up to. This module reinforced my method. I want to reach those student in the back of the class so they do not feel left out. 

Great strategies to deal with the various types of students. One of the things we have is a shoe holder mounted on the wall. We treat them like adults with their cell phones. One they abuse the privilege and are still on them during class, we make them put their phone in the holder until class breaks. Then we take attendance by if their phone is in the holder or not. 

I have always been a fan of letting the students know the due dates up front. I like to plan for things and I am sure others like to plan for their due assignments and exams.  I do like the team exercise at the beginning of the class to break the ice and get them talking to each other.  

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