Maryrose Giardini

Maryrose Giardini

About me


This course helped me to fine tune my stress management skills.  Seeing that we live in a world that is filled with astronomical  amounts of pressure, the mental excersises presented to me make complete sense. It's one of those things that you say to yourself, "why didn't I think of that?" It is a temporary banaide to get you through the day.  I typically am not a big worrier, however, when I do feel the anxiety creeping in, I now feel better equiped to deal with that particular issue.

I have to say that I learned a lot about myself.  Some things I do well and others I still have to work on.  There was a ton of insight from other instructors. I highly recommend this course, not just from the teaching aspect, but can be used in our personal lives as well.

As far arts & krafts for me....not so much. I'm not artistic at all and I appreciated all the ideas to bring hands on krafts to the classroom.  Connecting everyday material to the anatomy of our bones & muscles is a great concept.

Discussion Comment

I use  a website called study  I'm sure most of you have heard of it.  On this website one can put any vocab word or medication and insert it into a crossword or wordsearch puzzle.  It also provides "index" matching or printable quizzes.  The best part about this website is it is available to students.  It includes a variety of games as well.  Love it!

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