LaVerne  Johnson

LaVerne Johnson

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Its amazing how much an admission representatives know, not only about a particular program but the triad as well. I have heard some of the representatives speak with prospective students, about the program I teach (dental assisting) and they do a fantastic job!   

I believe that an instructor can not only learn from other instructors, but from student as well. When you have done your very best teach someone, listen and watch your student more closely. They can be very creative, even though you may have taught the skill, and the student didn't perform it just like your demonstration, the same result was achieved. (Doctors aren't all the same either). Other classmates can learn as well. 

Ferpa is always interesting to read about disclosure of students records; including who can review the student record, and what are the circumstances that would warrant it. I heard about the Jeanne Clery Act, but never knew it was was adopted into law based on a true story, interesting......
Being in compliance, and knowing whats involved will also elimate headaches, and waiting til the last minute to get everything done in order to be in compiance. To be incompliance intentionally means you are doing what is required.

After taking this couse its great to know that my campus is on track with all the safety dills and compliance mandates. Informative information.

I enjoy reading inspirational quotes and writing them on the board. If a student is not having a great start of the day, after reading the quote it usually makes them feel better.  On occasion we talk about the quote about 5 minutes before class start, other times students may ask if they could share a quote to encourage others. AWESOME!!!

My take a-ways from this lesson include pass out index cards before lecture, instruct students to write down any questions , proceed with the the 10-15 mini lectures. Before class is dismissed take time to answer questions on index cards. Instructors must become story tellers when delivery is based on a lecture for effective results.


Sometimes students have a difficult name to pronounce, I like the idea of taking a headshot of students.  I can use the pictures to help me identify that person and come up with away for me to also learn to pronounce their name. (put in syllables)

Sometimes students have a difficult name to pronounce, I like the idea of taking a headshot of students.  I can use the pictures to help me identify that person and come up with away for me to also learn to pronounce their name. (put in syllables)

This lesson was detailed for the instructor especially having a check list for preparation: having objectives and covering all that is listed, setting goals for myself and students. Having the necessary materials I will need.

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