Marie McJamerson

Marie McJamerson

About me


I agree! Training is a must! also continued development training, this is how we make sure that we are being consistent in what we are doing and keeping ourselves open to learning new things!

It can be hard to say no.... I have been practicing that alot lately. How has it been going for you so far?

Discussion Comment

good job Missy! I also think its a great idea to maintain a good rapport with your students - otherwise it can damage the ability for that student/ graduate to feel comfortable with wanting to even tell you that they are working in their field of study! I try to do the same thing here at my college - i even keep a facebook profile and text acct. so my students/ graduates have additional ways to communicate with me! great ways to keep those doors open so they tell you!

I agree with Angie - i would also say it depends on the rest of the content of the resume itself - how much working experience, the overall visual presentation of the document. If its gonna make that student look more presentable on paper, why not have both? 

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