Michele Andrews

Michele Andrews

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Good employees are the key to good customer service and training is managemnts key to keeping good customer service. 

Prior to COVID our school had graduations and the students loved it and the families.  It is time to get that started back up for students. Social interation like field trips were another thing before covid.  Time to get back to living and social interation again. 

Orientation gives the student the knowldge to be successful and have no surprises.  The more details the better the student can prepare. Mentor programs can help the student be successful and have someone to guide them thru the hard times and be a cheerleader for the. Mentors must be excited about this or it will fail for both. 

I feel that if you use a questionairre or checklist you can have a better retention rate of students before enrolling. Outcomes and success of student and schhol depend on admissions.


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