Lace Walther

Lace Walther

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Constantly checking new rules or regulations is very important in doing our job correctly. I enjoyed learning more about the Resource Notebook and how it can help you organize and maintain this information. Does anyone have any other creative ideas on how they stay up to date with managing all of the information we need to know to be successful and stay ethical?

Constantly checking new rules or regulations is very important in doing our job correctly. I enjoyed learning more about the Resource Notebook and how it can help you organize and maintain this information. Does anyone have any other creative ideas on how they stay up to date with managing all of the information we need to know to be successful and stay ethical?

I completely agree, with our ever changing world and economy, we as educators have to grow with the world to stay up to date with students needs. Staying competive on a global level will help us suceed in all areas espcially with knowledge of job opportunities and prepare those students for them.

I completely agree that conducting ourselves with integrity and ethically is the most important thing. I believe all training we have done has helped me have a better understanding of my job and the best ways to perform it with the highest standards of our required knowledge. 

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