Liam Walsh

Liam Walsh

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Research, plan. practice, demonstrate the topic or lecture and then observe the students as they practice, absorb the info and demonstrate the topic.  great receipe for Edutainment.

Setting the expectations for the class and providing a building safety brief give the students a good foundation for success in the class and tlets them know their persopnal responsibilities.  Its hard to hold them accountable if you dont provide them the tools they need to succeed.

Taking the time to know a student's name is very beneficial, as it shows the students that you are invested in them and their learning. This may be the catalyst to reach a student who feels invisible or that he is just a body in a seat.  Also, proper planning before a class prevents poor performance from you as the teacher and the student.

Set the example, combine theory and technical skills to engage and mentor students.  Share personal experiences (positive or negative) of situations while working in the field, but never embellish or lie to students

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