Laura Obenreder

Laura Obenreder

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i agree, it is important to advertise correct information so that prospective students are not mislead. the U.S department of lablor does provide the accurate inofrmation that we as admissions reps can refer to our students for review..Facts are what students need to read..

It  is the responsibility of  admissions and the college to provide to the student the catalog and where to find the information they need about policys and procedures. I agree that the enrollment agreement must show their program information, financial aid and cancellation policy..

Prospective students are looking for a career change or to start a new career so that they can make a better life..upfront they need to know the demand or work force future and income they can expect.



Students will be successful and graduate when we do the right thing. Prospective students rely on admission representatives to assist them and give them the correct guidance into a career that they are interested. This also includes the timing in their life. And  when the timing in their life is not right, they will then have to carry the finacial burden from attending college and not experience the success they needed and not graduate.

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